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Positive Experiments
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Experiment of the week
🌱 Feedback Chillies – How direct should feedback be? (3:19)
Bye distractions! Hello focus. How to manage your attention better
🌱From being constantly distracted by social media and your smartphones to focus (4:45)
🪴From distracting e-mails to focus (3:16)
🌳Another take on distraction - mastering internal distraction (4:09)
Giving clear critical feedback
🪴Radical candor (7:44)
🪴 Radical candor feedback formula (5:42)
🌱 Kill the feedback burger (1:44)
🪴How to get comfy giving feedback (1:56)
🪴Is it feedback or a performance conversation? (1:53)
🌱Pause more to feedback better (1:18)
🌳How to feedback to feedback-deniers (3:42)
🌱Should I give feedback at all? (2:20)
Growth through positive feedback - on giving compliments
🌱The ideal ratio of praise to criticism (2:43)
🌱In praise of compliments (4:29)
Receiving feedback - sanely ;-)
🌳Opening up to receiving feedback - on cognitive dissonance and the feedback staircase (7:45)
🌳Go where fear takes you - one act of courage at a time (6:44)
🌳Feedback on your best self (1:31)
Stress first aid kit - how to defectively deal with stress
🌱Dealing with negative emotions in non-emergency situations (3:31)
🪴Responding to stress taking over your system (7:16)
🌳Move your body out of fear (6:18)
🌱Gratitude booster (2:50)
🌳Remove obstacles (2:46)
Resilience in trying times - thriving in times of uncertainty
🌱Feeling overwhelmed? What is important right now? (2:43)
🌱Resilience in trying times (1:55)
🌱Positively overcome difficult times - get savouring (2:31)
🪴How less media consumption frees you of negative emotions (2:52)
🪴Coach yourself out of chatter (4:37)
🪴Embrace uncertainty (4:05)
Find your flow - how to manage your time and energy better
🪴Why energy management is the new time management - How your biorhythm can boost your performance (3:37)
🌱Build an activity sandwich full of energy (2:42)
🌳In flow - on being fully absorbed by an activity (3:46)
🪴How you can get into flow (5:16)
Asking stellar questions & being clear
🌱Curious questioning (6:12)
🌱Use 'so' to go slow (0:49)
🪴Giving bad news straight away (1:48)
🌱Jargon as a sign of expertise? On compensatory conspicuous communication ;-) (4:18)
Really listening for great conversations
🪴Reflective listening (3:37)
🌱Deep listening for generative ideas (4:38)
🪴'Reading people' - on body language
Prioritise & plan to boost your productivity
🌱My magic to-do list productivity trick (5:04)
🪴Simplify to amplify (4:38)
🪴 Rethinking procrastination (8:54)
Build productive habits
🪴Build positive habits (5:21)
🪴 Oops, I did it again - how implementation intentions can break bad habits (1:40)
Recharge! Do pause
🪴Why you should treat yourself to breaks more often - the productive magic of pausing (4:44)
🌱How microbreaks work wonders (4:25)
🪴Inspiration break - how a change in rhythm gives clarity and new insights (2:20)
Up your positivity
🌱5 ways to spark positive emotions (2:03)
🌱How gratitude and joy enrich your life right now (1:16)
🪴More gratitude and joy looking forward (2:16)
🪴Explore the wonderful effects of positive emotions (3:00)
🪴Switching positivity on and off (3:21)
🌳How much positivity do you need? (3:53)
Positively design your career & life
🌱 Ask 'why' for insight (2:35)
🪴A life and work vision to start designing your life (4:15)
🪴Mind mapping for career & life options (6:47)
Living intentionally - discover what matters and set boundaries
🪴On happiness and values (2:13)
🌳Living your values intentionally (3:09)
🪴Discover your character strengths (3:44)
🪴Saying no - on essentialism and social pressure (6:41)
🌱Extend the holiday bliss (1:13)
Set intentions to perform better
🌱Get out of workaholic mode - envision the day (1:38)
🌱 What you focus on, grows - on frequency illusion and positive priming (5:12)
🪴How meditation contributes to behavioural change (2:10)
Building relationships - feeling connected at work (and outside)
🌱Sharing to let positivity resonate and build collective resilience (3:10)
🪴Relationships that give you more energy (5:05)
🪴Find your tribe (2:28)
🌱How mindfulness rewires the brain to be kinder to others (3:46)
🪴Gifting help (2:59)
🪴Trust decoded. How to (re)build trust in relationships. (6:26)
Adopt a growth mindset, unleash potential
🪴Grow - exchange a fixed for a growth mindset (5:08)
🌳Taming your fixed mindset – remove the limits to growth (2:55)
🪴Helping your team nurture a growth mindset for more learning and innovation (4:00)
Meetings and workshops that aren't sleep-enticing but energising!
🌱Swwww your meetings (3:43)
🌳Forget brainstorming, get question-storming for breakthrough insights (5:11)
🪴How constraints cause creativity (2:37)
Motivate your team
🪴 The Leadership Dial: four styles for managing your team (6:52)
🪴Tap into your team’s intrinsic motivation (2:52)
Setting inspiring goals
🌱Approach v. avoidance goals (2:08)
🪴Make something you dislike fun (1:32)
Establish a healthy team culture
🌱How to identify a toxic culture (3:29)
Leading through change - on change management
🪴Have pathos drive your change communication (5:55)
🌱Strategically conveying your emotions in negotiations and change (3:40)
🪴Helping others embrace uncertainty (4:52)
🌳 Curious listening to what is not being said (4:41)
🌱How mindfulness rewires the brain to be kinder to others
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